Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Are these the American Idol Top 24?
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[ # ] Are these the American Idol Top 24?
January 24th, 2008 under American Idol 7

(photo from SGVTribune – check them out for more)
MJs Blog along with with finding these pictures also had this list of who might be most of the Top 24 for this year's American Idol.

Top 12 Girls (two more yet to be added)

Alaina Whitaker
Alex Lushington
Amanda Overmyer
Amy Davis
Brooke White
Carly Hennessy Smithson
Kady Malloy
Kristie Lee Cook
Ramielle Malubay
Syesha Mercado

Top 12 Guys

Chikeze Eze
Colton Berry
Danny Noriega
David Archuleta
David Cook
David Hernandez
Garrett Haley
Jason Castro
Jason Yeager
Luke Menard
Michael Lee Johns
Robbie Carrico

What do you think of the list? I am not sure who most of them are because I wait until they are revealed on February 13th before I bother to learn their names. 


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