Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lena Dunham hates us
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[ # ] Lena Dunham hates us
June 7th, 2016 under Lena Dunham

Some say the four leaf clover is lucky, but it is anything but lucky to anyone who sees this topless photo of Lena Dunham wearing just that and a necklace. Well I guess the lucky part is we don’t see her face. Seriously, Lena put on some clothes. My eyes would thank you for that and I am sure they are not alone.
And I am not criticizing her because of her body type, I say the same thing to Chelsea Handler and The Kardashians. Please wear clothes in your Selfies.


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[ # 1257885 ] Comment from Big Red [June 7, 2016, 8:26 am]

Against topless selfies!!?? Are you unAmerican or something??

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