Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sail on over to Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks tonight
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[ # ] Sail on over to Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks tonight
July 19th, 2015 under National Geographic

The guys from Wicked Tuna are heading south to the Outer Banks of North Carolina again to compete in the Tuna race down there tonight at 9p on National Geographic Channel. The limit there is 42 tons which is around 270 fish. That means the competition will be over quickly, so they have to get as many fish as they can before it is all over.
The first day starts off slow, but once the fish start biting they don’t stop. Will it be a team from the South or the North who gets the first fish? Who gets the one that’s worth most? And who goes empty handed?
Not only do they have to try to find the most expensive tuna as possible, one that’s worth around $20,000, they have to deal with the elements. By the end of the episode tonight one of the teams will crash their boat into a bridge and their season could be over before it even began.
Normally, I find fishing boring, but Wicked Tuna and Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks makes it so exciting. There is a thrill you get by watching them trying to catch a fish, bring it in and then to find out how much it is worth. Nothing puts a bigger smile on your face when you hear that the tuna is worth over $15,000. Who knew those things were so expensive? I just thought it tasted good.


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