Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Someone dropped thousands of The Interview DVDs into North Korea
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[ # ] Someone dropped thousands of The Interview DVDs into North Korea
April 8th, 2015 under James Franco

So remember those rumors that North Korea allegedly hacked into Sony so that they wouldn’t release The Interview. Well, it didn’t work and the movie was not only released in theaters and online, it was also released on DVD. An activist in South Korea sent balloons over the border with not only the DVDs but also with bundles of dollar bills and political leaflets attacking the leader of the country. According to The New York Times Lee Min-bok was not a fan of the movie because he thought some of the scenes were too vulgar, but he thought it was important for the neighboring country to see their leader get assassinated. Only problem is that the paper adds most of the people there probably do not have the means to watch the movie because they don’t own DVD players.
Which is sad because, shockingly, the film wasn’t that bad. I laughed a lot more than I thought I would and I didn’t think I would laugh at all.


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