Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 20 strangers pair off for a first kiss!
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[ # ] 20 strangers pair off for a first kiss!
March 11th, 2014 under Awesome Videos

We all know that feeling you get when you kiss someone for the first time. The innocence of it all, the butterflies in your stomach and the giddiness when it is all done.
Well Tatia Pilieva, captured that beautiful moment with 20 strangers and it is the sweetest thing you watch all day.
Some of the couples look like they are ready for more and you will be wanting to see more more more.
But the thing you will feel most after you watch this short movie, is how much you will want to experience a first kiss all over again. So whether that first kiss will be with someone you have shared a million kisses with, or someone you have never met; take some time out of your day today to have another first wonderful kiss.
I promise I won’t kiss and tell if you do!


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