Seriously? OMG! WTF? » When Reality TV goes too far…
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[ # ] When Reality TV goes too far…
February 24th, 2007 under Reality International

Sky Travel is to air a reality TV show which sees six unsuspecting Brits being arrested for the "murder" of Brigitte Nielsen. Producers recruited contestants by placing an advert in a magazine which invited members of the public to take part in a Greek sailing documentary. They were in fact being set up for the show, titled Killing Brigitte Nielsen. The six participants were joined by four actors on the boat, which had been filled with hidden cameras. The drama started when the boat "crashed" into a yacht being used by Brigitte. Contestants then watched in horror as they saw drug traffickers storm the boat and "kill" the actress. Actors dressed as Greek police then took the participants off to jail, where they were interrogated for seven hours. "It is based on managing someone’s entire reality – like The Truman Show movie," producer Alki David explained. "We never made anybody feel they were in any personal danger. "We played back the contestants' audition tapes to psychologists to ensure they wouldn't crack. And the jail cells were always unlocked." A female contestant is believed to have threatened legal action against producers. The show airs on March 19.

Digital Spy 

That is just sick.  It is one thing to say you are going on a reality show to find love and the guy turns out to be Flavor Flav. It is another to think to pretend to kill someone right in front of them and then put them in jail. I hope people boycott this show, so producers will learn there needs to be a limit to what can be done with Reality TV.


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