Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Another day, another Pete Doherty incident
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[ # ] Another day, another Pete Doherty incident
June 18th, 2006 under Pete Doherty/Kate Moss

Troubled rocker PETE DOHERTY has been accused of starting a fight in a Swedish nightclub after drunkenly jumping offstage. The reportedly drunk 27-year-old threw himself into the crowd at the Debaser club gig in Stockholm, causing havoc. Bouncers then escorted the BABYSHAMBLES star, who was also fined by local police after traces of cocaine were found in his blood on his Sweden visit, out of the club. An onlooker tells British newspaper The Sun, "One girl was bleeding from broken glass on the floor. "She went ballistic and Doherty started lashing out at people trying to sort the situation out".



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