Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Pete Doherty fined and not arrested…WHY?
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[ # ] Pete Doherty fined and not arrested…WHY?
June 18th, 2006 under Pete Doherty/Kate Moss

Stockholm – Swedish police fined Babyshambles frontman Pete Doherty after traces of cocaine were found in his blood following a concert at the Hultsfred music festival, officials said.

Police detained the British rocker after the concert because "he showed signs of being under the influence of narcotics", said Ulf Karlsson, a police spokesperson in the city of Kalmar on Sweden’s south-eastern coast.

Tests showed traces of cocaine and benzodiazepine, a minor tranquiliser that Doherty had a prescription for, Karlsson said.

Doherty was fined 14 000 kronor and was released, Karlsson said. He was not in possession of any illegal drugs, so he will not face other charges, the official said.

Traces of cocaine were also found in the blood of another band member, who was also fined and released, Karlsson said, but added he did not know the identity of the man.

Babyshambles was one of the main draws at the annual Hultsfred festival, one of the biggest in Sweden.

Earlier this month, Doherty had checked himself into a detox clinic in Portugal following several arrests for drug possession, his lawyer Sean Curran said. – Sapa-AP




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