Seriously? OMG! WTF? » How sad and smart
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[ # ] How sad and smart
June 23rd, 2006 under Sandra Bullock

SANDRA BULLOCK once ordered five dozen long-stemmed roses and had them sent to herself in order to make a potential boyfriend jealous. The SPEED star was desperate to capture the attention of a potential suitor and thought the lavish bouquets from a mystery man would arouse his envy. She explains, "I have no problem talking about a very shallow, needy time in my life. "There was a guy I was really crazy about, but he would only give me the time of day when it was convenient. "I ordered five dozen roses and put them in my house with cards. I sent them to myself because I knew he was coming by to drop off some keys. "He left and I got a call from him right away! That’s what depressed me – it worked! "We ended up dating for a very long time. I was sad about my actions and that I had to stoop to that level and it worked! "And It was expensive! I had no money!"

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