Seriously? OMG! WTF? » She wants to detox with somebody
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[ # ] She wants to detox with somebody
June 25th, 2006 under Mel Gibson, Whitney Houston/Bobby Brown

Guess what! Our favorite singing-trainwreck, Whitney Houston, is finally ready to clean up her act. (Again?)

Singer Cherelle (Houston’s best friend) told Sister 2 Sister magazine that Houston accepted an invitation from Denzel Washington and Mel Gibson to go to LA for “straight detox.” It seems Houston was upset over comments her sister-in-law, Tina Brown (No, not THAT Tina Brown — can you imagine?) made about Houston being a crack-addicted mess. Earlier this year, Brown sold photos to the National Enquirer of Houston’s disgusting, crack-house bathroom. (Or would that be a “crack-mansion”?)

Despite all that, Cherelle denied to the magazine that Houston had a drug problem — huh? — but admitted Houston was "messy" … as in “sloppy” … as in, just doesn’t know how to clean. Mmm-hmmm. Lots of untidy people need to go to “straight detox”, right? Heck, every time we don’t make our bed, we get the shakes.

 Bravo TV


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