Seriously? OMG! WTF? » This guy will be able to do whatever he wants to his wife!
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[ # ] This guy will be able to do whatever he wants to his wife!
September 11th, 2013 under Awesome Videos

Jason Mortensen awoke from his 5th surgery in 6 years, and his wife recorded his first post-op thoughts. I am sure she is happy she did because I can’t think of anything more beautiful that a man could tell his supportive wife who has been by his side through it all.
As soon as he saw her, he said “Did the doctor send you, man you are eye candy. Whoa!” But then he switched from bad pickup lines and told her, “You’re the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen.”
Then he asked her who she is and when she told him she was his wife, with excitement he asked her, “You’re my wife? Holy sh!t!” He then wanted to know if they have children and she said not yet. Something I am sure they will be working on as soon as he heals from the hernia repair surgery he got to fix residual tears. Or at least getting the practice in after telling his wife the most beautiful things during the truth phase of coming out of anesthesia. Although hopefully he will remember how to kiss her because that was something he asked her if they had done yet. Again something I am sure she will let him to plenty of. I mean that is what I would to do to my man if he came out of surgery and told me that.
Sincerely who sweet is this video? Doesn’t it give you hope that real love is still out there and achievable?


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