Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Rock Star: Superblah
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[ # ] Rock Star: Superblah
July 7th, 2006 under Rock Star: Supernova

Sorry, this review is last but like most network TV watchers I was wacthing SYTYCD and America’s Got Talent.

After a year of my friends praising Rock Star, I finally decided to give in and watch Rock Star: Supernova. All I can say I am an American Idol girl! It is not that talent is better because they are not. It is the judges! Dude they are rockers, they have more tattoos combined than your average HS, but they were so freaking nice. Everyone rocked! Woo Hoo! Brandy was harsher to contestants on AGT than Tommy Lee was to anyone. I mean The Hoff was funnier than that Metallica (Napster good, Metallica bad) guy getting on his knee and proposing to that amazing Russian singer. Even SYTYCD was more critical of it’s dancers than these so called rockers were to the singers.

Again I am not saying the singers are not good on this show, I am saying the judges need to be the rockers that are and say something bad. A big reason people watch American Idol is not only for the talent but to see what Simon Cowell has to say. So I will give it one more chance, but if these judges remain as nice as Paula Abdul I will erase it from my tivo.


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