Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Pete Doherty talks sobriety
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[ # ] Pete Doherty talks sobriety
July 20th, 2006 under Pete Doherty/Kate Moss

TROUBLED Pete Doherty says it’s been hell trying to kick his drug habit. "I feel as if I’m coming out of some sort of valley of despair," he confesses. "It was hell, man."
The 27-year-old Babyshambles frontman said it was a joy to be writing with a clear head – but he feared something would always go wrong in his life.
Kate Moss’s on-off lover tells C4’s Transmission with T-Mobile tonight: "Every year a mate will say: ‘Things are going to have to calm down now – they can’t get any worse than they did last year’, and then bang, something will happen."

3AM Girls 


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