Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Project Runway 3 shocker: Laura is a b!tch
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[ # ] Project Runway 3 shocker: Laura is a b!tch
August 9th, 2006 under Project Runway

From kilxover: Any Project Runway news? Like, why that damned girl is still in?!
Our very own Party Girl, and my best friend Lara Morgenson, met up with Robert this week, and has been talking my ear off ever since about how awesome the guy is. She loves him. He gave her a little bit of scoop, saying that we’re about to see the normally quiet Michael really come into his own as a designer in the upcoming episodes. He also said that much of the cast couldn’t stand "bad mommy" Laura, who was really kind of a bitch, talking crap about her kids and the other contestants–something the producers decided not to show!

Watch with Kristin 

I was being sarcastic, she so comes off as one of those Manhattan b!tches. That is why I could not believe she had 5 kids. Women like her only have them to please their husbands and stop at 2.


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