Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Amanda Seyfried totally creeps me out
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[ # ] Amanda Seyfried totally creeps me out
December 18th, 2012 under Concerts/Tours

When you look at Amanda Seyfried, she looks all doe-eyed and innocent, but then when you hear what her hobby is your impression of her will change. Yesterday she was on Conan O’Brien’s TBS show and he asked her about being into Taxidermy. She then explained to him why she has all of these dead stuffed animals in her house and I was totally weirded out. Then she shared a picture of her with her dead friends reading a book and I am beyond creeped out. If only her sh!tty Red Riding Hood picture was as scary as her real life, it might’ve done a whole lot better at the box office. Seriously that movie was so bad, I couldn’t even get through 10 minutes of that dreck.


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