Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Dave Navarro critiques the remaining Rock Star Supernova singers
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[ # ] Dave Navarro critiques the remaining Rock Star Supernova singers
August 14th, 2006 under Rock Star: Supernova

Rockstar: So Tuesday’s stripped down show taping was, uh. . . Interesting. Really weird song choices, and everyone kind of did relatively well so there wasn’t a whole lot to comment on although we tried our hardest. At this point in the game, they all kind of have something great about them while a couple have qualities that are not so great. I guess the real trick now is to get the Supernova guys to all agree on one performer. At this stage, I would have to say my personal favorite is Dilana, followed by Lukas. Dilana’s voice just has more range and control, but then again, Lukas is totally an original dude and I really like what he does. Ryan has really impressed me over the past couple of weeks too, but I don’t see him as The Rockstar type. Then again, he IS getting there each week. I guess Ryan just seems so moody with his persona and I picture more of a light hearted wild vibe fronting Supernova. Ryan would make a really good introverted, brooding, "hurt by the world" type of Rockstar a la Trent or Chris Martin. Lukas has that vibe too, but he also has the "let’s fuck shit up" side to him. Toby, I think can sing very well, but I am still on the fence about him. I haven’t seen THE performance out of him to help me have a clear opinion either way. Zayra? Well, you know how I feel about her. Definitely something there but not right for the band. She does have that thing that a good Rockstar should have. . . People either love her or hate her, but no matter how you slice it, they talk about her. Storm, for me is a tough one. When she gets the right song, she is amazing… But when she gets the wrong song, I can’t even deal. She is super secure, sexy, strong and proud and that makes her undeniably rad, regardless. Confusing, isn’t it? Patrice. Very cute and sings quite well but not that captivating. I still haven’t seen a performance out of her that rivals her Radiohead bottom three choice. She was amazing on that, but it would suck if that kind of performance was a fluke and she can’t bring that energy every time. Magni is great, but just kind of hovers in the middle for me… Great voice and a total consistant entertainer… But I have yet to say, "WOW!!!" to anything he has done.


He says some really interesting things. I wish he was in the band and not Jason Newsted, but I say that all the time.


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