Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Mel Gibson was never in rehab
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[ # ] Mel Gibson was never in rehab
August 16th, 2006 under Mel Gibson, Rehab

After his traumatic arrest, and anti semitic outburst recently, Mel Gibson piously promised to get help – but THE ENQUIRER has learned that the long-time alcoholic has NOT checked into rehab, he’s at home. The former Oscar winner is refusing to enter a traditional rehab, and is instead trying to gain a hold of his problem via outpatient therapy. According to his publicists’ assistant Veronica Pinto, regarding treatment, Mel is in an ‘ongoing program of recovery. That’s it.’Many question Mel’s seriousness regarding recovery since he is apparently yet to seek intensive therapy for what seems to be a major problem.

National Enquirer 

This makes sense if you read the press releases written by Alan Neirob it never said he was going to rehab but that he was getting treatment. 


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