Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Raising Hope’s season premiere is funnier than all of the new pilots combined!
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[ # ] Raising Hope’s season premiere is funnier than all of the new pilots combined!
October 2nd, 2012 under Raising Hope

Raising Hope is back for it’s third season premiere on Fox at 8p, and I laughed so hard my stomach hurt after I watched it. Sabrina’s grandmother (Tippi Hedren) has passed away and this is the chance for the Chances to finally meet her mom played by the legendary Melanie Griffith. Well turns out that one of the Chances has met her mom before and things will get very awkward for everyone when they put two and two together. Even more awkward than that is all of that stuff Maw Maw does tonight and all I will say is Cloris Leachman goes for it and then goes for it again and again.
Raising Hope is the funniest show you should be watching, so tune in tonight because laughter is the medicine and cold season is among us. Seriously how Martha Plimpton, Garret Dillahunt, Lucas Neff, Shannon Woodward and Leachman weren’t nominated for an Emmy for this show, is beyond me.
Then at 8:30p Ben & Kate airs its second episode and it is really starting to grow on me. Ben’s helping out around the house is causing problems for Kate when he keeps making Maddie late for school. Kate is called in to talk the principal. She scared to do so because she doesn’t live in the district where her daughter attends classes and she is afraid she will get busted. Now Ben and Kate will do everything and I do mean everything to pretend that they actually live there. Tune in for this funny episode to see if they are successful.


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