Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Don’t call Jordan a drunk
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[ # ] Don’t call Jordan a drunk
August 20th, 2006 under Jordan/Peter Andre/Harvey

WITHOUT a hint of a hangover, JORDAN rang me yesterday to set the record straight about her boozing — and insisted: “I’m no alcoholic.” The glamour model hit back after hubby PETER ANDRE said he hated how she changed when she got drunk.In his autobiography, All About Us — My Story, which is being serialised in a Sunday newspaper, the pop star said he feared she would cheat on him after getting smashed because she doesn’t know what she is doing.He said: “She knows she can’t handle it. It turns her into someone I don’t recognise and don’t like.”Peter also claimed she couldn’t remember their greatest night of sex in her horses’ stables because she was so wasted at the time.But Jordan — mum to one-year-old son Junior and four-year-old Harvey — rang me yesterday to tell her side of the story. The star, real name Katie Price, stormed: “I haven’t got a drink problem, I’m not an alcoholic, I’m not a drunk. I hardly ever drink.“I’m a wife, I’m a mother. I’m not the girl I used to be when I was in my early twenties and single. I’ve changed so much.“I used to go out to nightclubs and have a few drinks, but even then I didn’t have a drink problem. I never have done.“I used to get photographed on the occasional night out leaving a club but I was a young, single girl and a lot of the time I was being paid to be there. Pete has issues with me drinking, just like other couples who don’t like it when their partner changes after a drink.“Pete doesn’t like it when I’ve had a drink. But it’s rare I get drunk. I’ve been drunk no more than four times this year and I will often go for weeks without a drop of alcohol.“I have to get up with the kids at seven in the morning and I couldn’t do that with a hangover. I don’t even drink at home.” I’ve known Kate for years, and since she’s been with Pete, she’s hardly recognisable as the same girl.These days when I see her out she barely touches a drop. So I think I can safely say Mr Andre WON’T be being led into the stable for sex any time soon. He’ll be in the doghouse.

The Sun 

I love how she does not have a drink (not drinking) problem. I believe her and I think she is a good mom.  


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