Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Janet Charlton says she knows who wins Rock Star Supernova?
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[ # ] Janet Charlton says she knows who wins Rock Star Supernova?
August 28th, 2006 under Rock Star: Supernova

We’ve got the top secret scoop on who the winner of Rockstar Supernova will be! And we just can’t hold it in a minute longer! The winner won’t be announced for around two more weeks. Keep in mind that Tommy Lee’s band Supernova has the most clout in choosing the winner. After all, they have to tour with this singer. The contestant they selected is a dude -surprise, surprise- and the band feels this is the person who fits in best with the band. Unless something TOTALLY unforseen occurs (like an arrest) this is in the bag. Do you agree with their choice?

Janet Charlton 

If you go to the link you will see who she says it is. Is it really a big reveal when we all knew from day one this is who was going to win?


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