Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Guess who is under that jacket?
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[ # ] Guess who is under that jacket?
October 17th, 2011 under Guess who?

Want to see who is lost in your eyes under that winter coat then

Fame Pictures
Last week Debbie Gibson was rumored to be part of the latest cast of The Celebrity Apprentice, and her response to that on Twitter was “I love rumors :-)” Making you wonder what she meant by that?
Well yesterday she was photographed by Mega Piranha, I mean the paparazzi, coming out of what looks like a Trump establishment reportedly telling them Gatoroids, “there are rules, there are rules”. So does that mean she is doing the NBC reality show? Well when she was asked by a fan if she was doing the show, here what she Tweeted today, “cannot confirm nor deny…” Translation, we will see her on the Trump show next year!!!


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