Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is Jon Cryer psychic?
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[ # ] Is Jon Cryer psychic?
January 27th, 2011 under Jon Cryer

Jon Cryer was on Conan last night and he made a joke about his co-star Charlie Sheen that came true today. Ducky told Coco, “I’m checking TMZ, as I do everyday, to know if I have to go to work at all.” Well I would love to have seen his face today when he saw this headline, “Charlie Sheen Rushed To Hospital” on TMZ today. At first his smile was as big as any kid in NYC today who finally got a snow day. But then when he realized what he told Conan O’Brien came true today, he was like oh and sh!t those words are so coming back to haunt me…

UPDATE: I would love to have been on Skype when Jon Cryer read that Charlie Sheen has entered rehab and he doesn’t have to go to work for a while!!! Because here is the press released that CBS sent out about the development, “Due to Charlie Sheen’s decision to enter a rehabilitation center, CBS, Warner Bros. Television and executive producer Chuck Lorre are placing Two and a Half Men on production hiatus. We are profoundly concerned for his health and well-being, and support his decision”


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