Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Hot Links!
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[ # ] Hot Links!
October 21st, 2010 under Hot Links!

Who is wearing a bra? – Dlisted
Mark Salling can sing! – ICYDK
WTF is Paris Hilton wearing? – Popbytes
Who is wearing a $2 million bra? – Celebitchy
Did they photoshop he belly away? – Celebslam
Even Suri Cruise is confused by it – Gabby Babble
Lindsay Lohan riding a bike naked – Bricks and Stones
How did they get a dildo stuck up there? – Tabloid Prodigy
Jenna Jameson is going to do what??? – Girls Talking Smack
Which male singer has an impressive organ? – Agent Bedhead
Kanye West says another dumb thing about Taylor Swift? – Have U Heard?


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