Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jay Leno jokes about not getting any noms
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[ # ] Jay Leno jokes about not getting any noms
July 9th, 2010 under Talk Shows

Conan O’Brien and his version of The Tonight Show got 4 nominations while Jay Leno got zero. So the late night host joked (?) about being nominationless. I put the (?) because I am not sure if he was really joking or if he was bitter about it. I think it is the latter. And to rub salt in his wound, he had two of the people who did get Emmy noms were on his show to talk about what it is like to actually one or two. I love how Jane Lynch found out she was nominated for both Glee and Two and a half Men. I love love love her on 2.5 when she plays Charlie’s psychiatrist.


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