Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lindsay Lohan sentenced to 90 days in jail and then 90 days in rehab
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[ # ] Lindsay Lohan sentenced to 90 days in jail and then 90 days in rehab
July 6th, 2010 under Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan was sentenced to 90 days in jail and 90 days in an in-patient rehab facility today for violating her probation. She has up until July 20th to turn herself in.
The judge felt that she did not follow her probation requirements by being a no-show several times to her mandatory weekly alcohol-education classes. Lindsay pleaded her case to the judge, crying as she told her that she didn’t know she was in violation of being a no-show because she claimed she was misinformed. The Judge did not seem to buy her excuses and sentenced her to be locked away for 180 days. Lindsay broke down and cried as the judge sentenced her.
I wonder if now that Lindsay Lohan knows she has two weeks until she has to go to jail if she will stay in tonight or go out and party. Sadly for Lindsay she can’t party too hardily because the judge is making her wear the SCRAM bracelet until she turns herself in. Poor Lindsay desperately needs a drinks and she can’t have one.


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