Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Adam Sandler and his girls!
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[ # ] Adam Sandler and his girls!
March 15th, 2010 under Adam Sandler

Adam Sandler spent the day with his little girls Sadie, 3 and Sunny, 1. I love how Sadie is such his mini-me, she even has the same expressions like her dad.
BTW imagine how much fun it must be to have him as dad, he must be so animnated when he reads them a bedtime story!


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[ # 389414 ] Comment from ioana [March 15, 2010, 1:22 pm]

Oh my god, I haven’t really noticed it by now, but you’re absolutely right, Sadie does look exactly like her dad. I can’t beleive I haven’t realised it before

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