Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Imagine Dragons’ Dan Reynolds gives a powerful speech during a concert
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[ # ] Imagine Dragons’ Dan Reynolds gives a powerful speech during a concert
August 20th, 2024 under Imagine Dragons

Imagine Dragons is in the middle of their Loom Tour, and Dan Reynolds took the time to relay an important message to his fans.

“To anyone. To any single person who is hurting, do not keep it in. Do not hold it in. Let it out. Embrace it. Let the anger out. Feel it. That is the first thing.

“And the second is to talk to somebody. Talk to a family member. Talk to a friend. If it is available to you, go to therapy.

“This doesn’t make you weak. This doesn’t make you broken. This makes you incredibly wise. This makes you strong. This makes you humble and powerful.

“It is not a remedy. But it is part of our journey. Above all, your life is always worth living. Your life is always worth living. Stay with us. We need you. We need your color, your brilliance. We need every part of you. Your flaws. Your strength. All of it. We love you.

“That is all!”

Reynolds has been very open about his depression, and he gives messages like this one at his concerts. If his words can save one person’s life, that would be enough. But let’s hope it saves many more than that.

As someone who also suffers with depression, I am thankful he has the outlet to help others and uses it for that reason. If more people spoke out, then maybe more people would get the help they need.

If you need help, I am always here for you. Please reach out to me, or anyone you know will be there for you. You are worthy of being loved, happiness, and so much more.


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