Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Katherine Heigl is checking out of Grey’s Anatomy again
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[ # ] Katherine Heigl is checking out of Grey’s Anatomy again
November 12th, 2009 under Shonda Rhimes

(photo from Us Weekly)

Katherine Heigl is returning to Grey’s Anatomy tonight on ABC at 9p after a much needed 3 episode break for us and Micheal Ausiello is reporting that she going to take off a few more eps as a maternity leave for adopting her baby. I say to Shonda Rhimes, just dump her already. Because there are so many characters on the show now, I didn’t miss her and I didn’t even notice she was gone. In fact since she adopted Naleigh and hasn’t been on Grey’s Anatomy, I completely forgot about her altogether. At this point Grey’s can do without a character or two or three. There just so many of them, I stopped learning their names because I already have enough useless information in my head as it is.


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