Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Steve Guttenberg claims is career is making a comeback
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[ # ] Steve Guttenberg claims is career is making a comeback
November 4th, 2009 under Stupid Sequels/Remakes

Steve Guttenberg thought he made a career comeback when he did with Dancing with the Stars, but that didn’t work out so well for him. Now he is telling The Sun that one of his biggest movies Three Men and a Baby is getting another sequel and it might not be the only franchise he was in that is getting one.

Guttenberg said: “Disney’s developing Three Men and a Bride. That’s going to be a smash. A smash hit. They’re bringing everybody back for that.
“Nobody knows about it. I’m the first to talk about it.”
The actor is hoping the follow-up will encourage movie bosses to reignite some of his other 1980’s hits.
He added: “It’s definitely time for another Police Academy. And I think they could make another Cocoon.
“They’re surefire hits and I think they’re good for the world. They make the world a better place and that’s what it’s all about.”

I want what Guttenberg is smoking to think all of that could happen. Although I wouldn’t mind another Police Academy because those movies were awesomely bad in a good way!
BTW I wonder what the Three Men and a Baby ghost thinks of the sequel, he so needs a role in the movie!


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