Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Bill Nye has about 500 bow ties!
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[ # ] Bill Nye has about 500 bow ties!
May 10th, 2023 under Bill Nye the Science Guy

Bill Nye is as known for being the Science Guy as he is for wearing bow ties!

So when Nye was on the Today show yesterday, Craig Melvin asked him how many bow ties he owns. How many? Under his breath, he said about 500. But I think he should be proud of that number!

How does he organize them? By color, of course. Am I the only one who wants to see his collection because I am sure it is spectacular?

As spectacular as the fact that Nye has been teaching us science for 30 years, and he told the Today anchors that people come up to him and tell him they went into science-related careers because of him. That is a fantastic legacy to leave behind.

Not that he is going anywhere because you watch his latest show, The End is Nye on Peacock.


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