Seriously? OMG! WTF? » What hasn’t Drew Barrymore done in the bedroom?
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[ # ] What hasn’t Drew Barrymore done in the bedroom?
November 18th, 2022 under Drew Barrymore

A few weeks ago, Drew Barrymore said that she doesn’t need sex. And today, she revealed why in Drew’s News Podcast with Ross Matthews.

She and her co-host were talking about sex, and he told her that he is PG in the sheets. Is she the same way? “Oh, I’m a dirty bird…But just like in the corners of my mind, where I never will tell. And it’s just for me… I can understand certain kinky things. Listen, I’ve tried everything. I’ve tried everything! That’s why I’m so boring now,” she said. “You know, I don’t know if I was into it or not, I just wanted to try everything.”

Does anyone else want to know what the thrice-married, former wild child means by everything? I am sure if we asked, she would answer because she is an open book.


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