Seriously? OMG! WTF? » BTWF roles: JoAnna Garcia on Freaks and Geeks
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[ # ] BTWF roles: JoAnna Garcia on Freaks and Geeks
August 17th, 2009 under Before They Were Famous

Before JoAnna Garcia was playing a pregnant cheerleader on Reba, she was playing a non-pregnant cheerleader on Freaks and Geeks. The 20 year old actress looks the same then as she did in that 2000 episode when she did Privileged except for the hair color of course.
BTW a few other BTWF in that clip, before Shia LaBeouf (13) wore cast on his arm from a bad car accident, he wore one on the show. Before John Francis Daley (14) was giving advice to Booth and Brennan on Bones, he was getting it on F&G! And before Samm Levine (17) was an Inglourious Basterd, he was just a Freak and Geek!!!
xoxo Lori for that way awesome find!!!


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