Seriously? OMG! WTF? » TR Knight ruins Grey’s Anatomy for us
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[ # ] TR Knight ruins Grey’s Anatomy for us
July 27th, 2009 under Shonda Rhimes

(photo © ABC)
As we all know TR Knight wanted out of Grey's Anatomy and he got his wish. What we didn't know until now, is Shonda Rhimes wrote a great goodbye for him for the season premiere but he refused to come back for just one episode for whatever fans he had left. 
Here is what Shonda told EW's Michael Ausiello she wrote for him…

"I wanted to see his last day [alive] really badly," she says. "What I thought was interesting was the idea of, we now know it's the last day of someone's life, [so we’re] looking at it differently than [we] would any other time."


Viewers would have also seen firsthand how George's split-second decision to save that girl's life cost him his own. "I wanted to see the moment he leapt in front of the bus," Rhimes confirms. "I wanted to bookend the episode [so that] the first time you see him leap in front of the bus, it's really scary. But the second time you see it, he's a hero.


"I thought it would have been a beautiful episode," she continues, adding that, had we seen those missing hours, "We might have learned something new about George."

After reading what Shonda had planned for George, I am really bummed we won't get to see him hit by a bus not once but twice. I was really hoping for an awesome hit by a bus death scene like the ones seen Final Destination 1 and Nip/Tuck. Seriously I understand he is disgruntled that he was barely used last season, but he should've manned up and done one last episode to give everyone closure. Plus he could have used the press to promote his Broadway appearances. Because without Grey's he is yesterday's news, I already stopped caring about a long time ago. I really liked George when he first started on the show, but he became forgettable just as fast. And now thanks to this he is forgotten by me.

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