Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is Wells Adams going to replace Chris Harrison on The Bachelor?
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[ # ] Is Wells Adams going to replace Chris Harrison on The Bachelor?
January 29th, 2021 under The Bachelor

Chris Harrison has been hosting The Bachelor and its spinoffs for almost 20 years. Is he ready to move on? There have been rumors, and some are suggesting that Bartender Wells Adams should replace him.

When People sat down with Sarah Hyland’s fiancĂ©, they asked him about the gossip. “No. It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard,” he said. “First of all, Chris isn’t going anywhere. He’s got the best job in Hollywood.”

Personally, I would not mind if there is a change-up. Nothing against Harrison; I just like Adams ever since I watched him on Worst Cooks of America: Celebrity Edition. He is funny and likable. Although, I wonder if his fiancée would let him be around all of those women?


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