Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 9-1-1 is unbeelievably good tonight!
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[ # ] 9-1-1 is unbeelievably good tonight!
September 26th, 2024 under Ryan Murphy

Tonight at 9p, 9-1-1 is back on ABC with a three-part season premiere event that will bee keeping you on the edge of your seats.

For those of us who watch the 9-1-1 shows, we know that Ryan Murphy teases us with spectacular multi-episode events, and then they don’t deliver until the last episode. However, that is not the case with Beenado. The action begins after the first commercial break.

The episode starts off with a bang, and it doesn’t stop after that.

Captain Nash (Peter Krause) left Station 118, and now there is a new man in charge, Captain Vincent Gerrard (Brian Thompson). He hates Buck (Oliver Stark) and punishes him all of the time. He is the toughest on Buck, but he is tough on everyone. Therefore, they don’t like him. And neither do I.

Not only is he a jerk, but he is also not the best in the field. His old ways don’t work anymore. And that is going to lead to problems when they are called out to assist with a truck that jackknifed on the freeway.

Normally, that is an easy thing to clean up. However, this truck was carrying 20 million killer bees, and they got loose after the accident.

Now, they are all the buzz in Los Angeles because the city is being attacked by bees, which can kill with their stings.

When I watched the promo, I was like this looks like fun, especially because it is on the other side of the hill. But then they come to Valley, and now it has a different meaning for me.

I am scared of bees, even in movies and TV, and in the premiere episode, the bees flew to a town close to where I live. So, I haven’t slept since I watched the episode.

Having said that, I still enjoyed the episode.

Oh, I forgot to mention that Athena (Angela Bassett) is sent out of town to bring a prisoner back to Los Angeles. Nothing about it goes smoothly, so much so that she would rather deal with the bees.

So, bee there or bee square!


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