Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Bobby Brown wants money from Whitney Houston
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[ # ] Bobby Brown wants money from Whitney Houston
May 11th, 2007 under Whitney Houston/Bobby Brown

Last week Bobby Brown said that Whitney Houston and him were going to have an amicable divorce for their daughter. This week Brown is suing her for spousal support and is looking to change the custody terms for Bobbi Kristina according to Entertainment Tonight. Brown is saying that he is bringing this lawsuit now because he did not have the money to hire a lawyer when the divorce was finalized. He claims that he has been homeless several times since his marriage to Houston ended. He is also devastated that he lost rights to seeing his daughter.

According to court papers obtained by ET, he is seeking spousal and child support from Houston. The hearing is set for June 15th.

I love that he is asking for child support even though Houston has full custody. Don't you have to have custody of the child in order to get child support? To me it just sounds like he is seeking money from her because at least she still has a chance of having a career?  

(photos from TMZ


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