Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sacha Baron Cohen’s best disguise yet
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[ # ] Sacha Baron Cohen’s best disguise yet
March 2nd, 2010 under Sacha Baron Cohen

Bauer-Griffin Online
Sacha Baron Cohen is known as a man of many faces, but it is his real one that left him unrecognizable. The Bruno star was seen with longer hair and a thick beard and I never would have known it was him. Seeing him like that, I think I would recognize more as Borat and Bruno than as himself on the street. If he wants to avoid the paps all he has to do is be the real him and we would never guess it is the man of many disguises.
Even though it looks like he is part of that period movie, he is actually on the set visiting his girlfriend, Isla Fisher who is filming Burke & Hare.


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