Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Another stupid change coming to American Idol 8?
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[ # ] Another stupid change coming to American Idol 8?
March 11th, 2009 under American Idol 8

American Idol 8 keeps making all these changes and I can't think of any one of them that I liked. First they added the useless Kara DioGuardi. Next they let the Judges pick who they wanted to go through from the Wild Card Show. Then what is shaping up to be the season with the most boring contestants yet, they make the Top 12 the Top 13. So last night when Ryan Seacrest announced that there would be a double elimination tonight, we breathed a sign of relief that we wouldn't have to suffer through so many yawn-worthy performances in the upcoming weeks. Well that was until Ken Warwick announced yet another stupid change to the show according to MJ's Blog.
This season they will be changing the elimination process up. Something he says that they have tried before in France. According to the Nouvelle Star's Wikipedia page, this is how things changed up for the show last season.
The judges this series were eligible to exercise a veto power on one eliminated contestant at any given point of the competition and spare them from elimination. The power was exercised in the very first live programme when Kristov received the least amount of votes and thus no-one was sent home the first week.
I love Simon and all, but they are giving the Judges too much power. Last night should give the producers some clue that the Judges should not have as much as power as they have because their Wild Card choices were pretty much the worst of the bunch…and that whole bunch was pretty blah.
So do you guys like the changes they have been making to American Idol 8?

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