Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The American Idol Wild Car round explained
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[ # ] The American Idol Wild Car round explained
February 26th, 2009 under American Idol 8

Finally someone asked how the Wild Card round in going to work next Thursday and MTV News got American Idol to clear up the rumors and explain how it is really going to work!

While those rumors have been creative, an “Idol” spokesperson said they are mostly off-base. Quite simply, each judge can pick two contestants from the top 36 — from which everyone is eligible — and those eight (or possibly nine) singers will perform a song on the one-hour March 5 show, with three advancing into the top 12. (Are you as confused as we are about when the show airs? We have the coming weeks’ American Idol” schedule in the Newsroom blog.)
The same rules apply as during the audition phases, with majority picks winning the day and judge Simon Cowell casting the tie-breaking vote should there be a 2-2 deadlock, the spokesperson explained.

I was hoping they were going to be able to go outside the Top 36 because after watching the first two groups perform, I am so not impressed with anyone! I hope the third group is better because I haven’t seen anyone that is worthy of being the American Idol, have you?


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